16x Fewer collisions
12x Reduction in computation time
93% Reduction in human takeovers
The Autonomous Driving market is expected to generate between 300 and 400B by 2035 with studies showing it could reduce the number of accidents by 15% by 2030. In 2021, two-thirds of consumers reported interest in purchasing L4 highway pilots for a one time fee of 10K. However, only 4% of cars are projected to include L3+ AD functions by 2030. Moreover, trust in the technology has declined by 10% with 26% of consumers reporting they would switch to AV in 2021, compared to 35% in 2020. Additionally, perception, prediction, and planning algorithms continue to require significant computational resources and are considered to be the remaining areas of high difficulty according to survey respondents.
Indeed, current AV computations would result in carbon emissions equivalent to that of all existing data centers as shown in a recent MIT study.Despite these challenges, several AV products have begun receiving ISO 26262 certifications, e.g., NVIDIA OS, Mobileye, Apex.ai, leaving computational efficiency, consumer trust, and algorithm robustness as the final barriers for large-scale adoption.
The technologies developed by Themis AI have been successfully used to address these limitations. The approaches have been comprehensively tested and demonstrated through over five years of experiments with full-scale vehicles. Research results show that integrating these proprietary uncertainty estimation algorithms with state- of-the-art AVs led to 16x fewer collisions, a 12x reduction in computation time, a 89% success rate when recovering from near-crash scenarios, and a 93% reduction in automated requests for humans to take over the wheel. These algorithms are now part of Themis AI software solutions that can be seamlessly integrated into existing systems and used for applications beyond autonomous driving. More details and additional results have been presented in several academic publications.